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英語導游實務教程(第二版) 版權信息

英語導游實務教程(第二版) 本書特色


英語導游實務教程(第二版) 內容簡介

《英語導游實務教程(第2版)》著重培養英語導游的實際工作能力,幫助在校學生考取英語導游資格證,指導導游解決帶團工作中遇到的或右能遇到的各種問題,熟悉導游服務規范,培養他們分析問題、解決問題的能力。《英語導游實務教程(第2版)》體例新穎,內容翔實,具有以下幾個特點:1.重視導游業務在導游帶團時的基礎性作用,詳細闡述了導游規范的主要內容,并以問答形式進行編寫,言簡意賅,便于導游在工作中查閱,方便導游資格考試考生掌握導游規范的重點內容。 2.重視導游應變能力的培養,通過分析和解決導游在帶團過程中經常遇到的問題,培養、提高導游帶團的應變能力。全書共有65個導游應變能力測試題,幫助導游員針對不同情況準備各種應急預案,采取正確的措施。 3.強調寫作在導游帶團中的重要作用。旅游應用文是《英語導游實務教程(第2版)》中的一個重要組成部分,如旅游合同、旅游協議、導游線路設計等。 4.闡述了導游的基本講解方法,學生、考生和導游員可以將導游講解技巧運用于導游詞講解,通過學習各種導游講解方法提高運用英語講解景點的實際能力。 5.景點知識問答題導游帶團和導游資格考試的重要內容之一。《英語導游實務教程(第2版)》對四川主要景點中的每一個景點提出3-5個景點知識問答題,包括景點中的歷史文化、民俗風情、神化傳說和科學原理等。 6.為了導游人員的實際工作需要,《英語導游實務教程(第2版)》附錄了導游旅行表格、旅游專業術語、旅游常用縮略語等,使之成為導游帶團的一部實用的工具書。

英語導游實務教程(第二版) 目錄

ContentsUnit 1 Tour Guide 導游員 Part I ABC for Tour Guides Listening 1. 導游員工作的基本內容是什么? What are the main obligations of a local guide?2. 地陪、全陪、領隊工作內容的主要區別是什么?What are the main differences in their job description, as a local guide, a national guide ContentsUnit 1 Tour Guide 導游員 Part I ABC for Tour Guides Listening 1. 導游員工作的基本內容是什么? What are the main obligations of a local guide?2. 地陪、全陪、領隊工作內容的主要區別是什么?What are the main differences in their job description, as a local guide, a national guide and a tour leader?Readings1. 地陪人員如何與領隊合作?How could a local guide cooperate with the tour leader?2. 地陪帶團過程中遇上個別無理取鬧、故意刁難的全陪導游員該怎么辦?How should the local guide deal with a troublesome national guide? Part II Welcome SpeechPart III Situational DialoguePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 2 Travel Schedule 旅行計劃Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening 1. 當地方接待旅行社已經安排好團隊在當地的活動計劃時,地陪是否還有必要與領隊商量日程?When the local travel service has arranged the local travel schedule for the tour group, is it necessary for the local guide to discuss it with the tour leader?2. 地陪與領隊的旅游計劃有較大出入時地陪應該怎么辦?What should the local guide do when there appears to be a great difference between the local guide’s travel schedule and that of the tour leader? Readings1. 旅游團隊抵達后要求變更旅游計劃和日程,地陪應采取什么態度?How should the guide respond if the tour group requests to change the itinerary and travel schedule upon arrival?2. 導游員在制定旅游線路時應當注意什么?What should a tour guide take into account when he/she makes up the itinerary?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 3 Preparations for Meeting Tour Group 接團準備Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 導游人員帶團前在形象上和心理上應該做好哪些準備?How should the tour guide prepare himself in appearance and attitude before taking a group?2. 導游員帶團時必須攜帶的“兩證一表”是什么?借用性質的導游和10人以上團隊,還應帶什么證件物品?What are the two certificates and one schedule that the guide must bring with him? If the guide is temporarily transferred from another travel agency or take a group with over 10 members, what else should he bring with him?Readings1. 列舉地陪接團準備工作的主要內容。List the basic preparations made by a local guide before he/she takes a tour group.2. 地陪如何熟悉接待計劃?What details of the schedule should a local guide get to know?3. 導游員應該如何接站?What preparations should the guide make for meeting the group at the airport or rail-way station?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 4 Accommodations 入住酒店Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 地陪率團從機場赴飯店途中應該做哪些工作?What should a guide do on the way from the airport to the hotel?2. 團隊入住飯店,地陪應做好哪些工作?What should the tour guide do when the tour group arrives at the hotel?Readings1. 飯店將旅游團隊已經預定的住房出售給了其他散客,導游員該怎么辦?What should the guide do when the hotel has sold the reserved rooms to other indi-vidual tourists?2. 某飯店為旅游團隊提供的住房不符合合同標準,但飯店確實無房調換,導游員如何處理?What should the guide do if the reserved rooms are below the contract standard and no better rooms are available?3. 客人進入房間后發現設施陳舊損壞,要求更換好的房間,導游怎么辦?What should the guide do if tourists request better rooms due to the inadequate facili-ties?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 5 Dietary Service 飲食服務Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 當客人用餐時,地陪應該怎樣服務?What service should the guide provide to tourists during the mealtime?2. 游客要求換餐,導游員能否同意? Should the guide agree to tourists’ requests for changing food?3. 游客由于宗教或生理上的原因,提出特殊的飲食要求,導游員如何處理?What should the guide do when the tourist has special dietary requirements for reli-gious or health reasons? Readings1. ?游客不愿隨團用餐,導游員如何處理?What should the guide do when the tourist is unwilling to have meals with other tourists?2. 當游客購買品嘗某一景點里的小販出售的涼粉時,導游如何處理?What should the guide do when tourists try to buy and eat Liangfen, a local snack sold by peddlers at the scenic spot?3. 離境前旅行社特意安排游客品嘗火鍋,但有兩位客人堅持不吃火鍋,導游員如何處理?The travel agency has a hotpot party for the tourists before they leave the country, but two tourists refuse to eat hotpot. In such a case, what is the guide supposed to do?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 6 Special Requests 特殊要求Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening 1. 游客要求探親訪友或會見中國同行,導游員如何處理?What should the guide do when a tourist wants to visit his friends, relatives or Chi-nese colleagues?2. 辦理游客親友隨團的程序有哪些?導游員一般不能同意哪些人隨團?If a tourist’s relative wishes to join the tour group, what are the procedures the guide must accomplish? Who would be discouraged from joining the group?Readings1. 游客要求導游員幫助轉遞信件或物品給自己的親友,導游員如何處理?What should the tour guide do if a tourist asks him to deliver letters or articles to his relative?2. 在什么情況下,導游員不宜讓游客自由活動?Under what circumstances should the guide decline tourists’ requests for individual and unscheduled sightseeing?3. 導游如何拒絕游客不切實際的要求?How can a guide decline an unrealistic request from the tourist?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 7 Techniques of Tour Guiding 帶團技巧Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 何為觀賞節奏?怎樣掌握觀賞節奏?What is a sightseeing tempo? How does the tour guide master the tempo?2. 導游員引導客人觀景賞美的常用方法有哪些?What are some common guiding techniques that the guide may adopt while taking tourists to appreciate natural beauty? Readings1. 途中導游包括哪些主要內容?應該注意什么禁忌?What should be included in the guiding en route? What should the guide refrain from doing?2. 地陪率團到達景區后,應首先交代哪些注意事項? 導游員可否自己不講解而請景點講解員進行講解?能否請游客自行游覽?Upon arrival at the scenic area, what should the local guide tell the tourists? May the local guide request the commentator to introduce the tourist site? May the guide rec-ommend that the tourists go sightseeing themselves?3. 游覽返程中,地陪應該增加哪些講解工作? On the way back from the scenic area, what additional introductions can the local guide make?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 8 Tourists’ Mind-Sets 游客心理Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 在旅游活動的初期,游客會有什么樣的心理變化?導游員應該提供哪些針對性服務?What changes of mood might tourists experience at the first stage of travel? What kind of specific service can the local guide provide?2. 在旅游活動中后期,游客會有什么樣的心理變化?導游員應該提供哪些服務?How may the tourists’ mentality change in the later stages of traveling? What specif-ic service can the tour guide provide?Readings1. 導游員應學會從哪些方面了解游客的心態以提供針對性服務?What factors affect the tourists’ mind-set and how can the local guide understand these in order to provide a specific service.Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 9 Recreation 娛樂活動Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 游客不愿觀看計劃內的文娛節目,導游員如何處理?What should the guide do if the tourist is unwilling to attend the planned entertain-ment program in the travel schedule?2. 團隊原定晚上看京劇,但部分年輕游客想看國際足球比賽,導游員如何處理?The tour group is scheduled to watch the Beijing Opera in the evening, but some tourists would rather attend an international football game. What is the guide expect-ed to do?Readings1. 游客要求單獨處出娛樂,導游員在什么情況下可以同意,什么情況下不能同意?How should the tour guide respond to tourists’ requests to have the entertainments themselves? Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 10 Shopping 帶團購物Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening 1. 地陪率團購物,應該注意哪些問題?What should the local guide pay attention to when he takes the tour group to go shop-ping?2. 游客購買中藥時,導游員應告訴游客哪些注意事項?What should the guide advise tourists when they buy traditional Chinese medicine?Readings1. 一位日本游客希望購買中國的古字畫,導游員應告訴他哪些注意事項?A Japanese tourist intends to purchase ancient Chinese calligraphy, and what should the guide advise him?2. 談談你對導游人員從購物、文娛表演中拿回扣問題的看法。你認為如何才能真正做到令行禁止?What do you think of the rake-off (kickback) that the guide takes from shopping or entertainment items? How can it be avoided?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 11 Incidents while Escorting Tour Group (I) 帶團事故(1)Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 什么叫漏接事故?造成“漏接事故”的原因是什么?What is an “incident of the guide missing upon the tourists’ arrival”? What might be some of the causes?2. 導游員應如何預防“漏接事故”?發生“漏接事故”后如何處理?How can the guide avoid the “incident of the guide missing upon the tourists’ arrival”? How could he handle the case?Readings1. 什么叫“錯接事故”?產生“錯接事故”的原因是什么?What is an “incident of taking tourists by mistake?” What might be some of the causes?2. 導游怎樣防止出現“錯接事故”?如果“錯接事故”發生以后應當如何處理?How could a guide prevent the occurrence of an “incident of taking tourists by mis-take?” What is he supposed to do if the incident happens?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 12 Incidents while Escorting Tour Group (II) 帶團事故(2)Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening 1. 什么叫“空接事故”?如何處理?What is an “incident of missing tourists at the airport or station due to the late arrival?” How should a guide handle it?2. 什么叫“誤機事故”?其后果如何?What is “an incident of missing the airplane?” What might be the consequences?Readings1. 發生“誤機事故”后導游員應如何處理?How should the guide handle “an incident of missing the airplane”?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 13 Documents and Luggage Lost 遺失證件、行李Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 游客遺失證件物品,導游員如何處理?If a tourist loses his identity certificate or passport, how should the guide handle the case?2. 外國游客在華丟失護照和簽證,應如何申請補辦?How does a foreign tourist apply for a new passport and visa if he loses them in China?Readings1. 港澳居民和臺灣同胞丟失旅行證明,應該如何處理?What should a citizen of Hong Kong, Macao or a compatriot of Taiwan do if he loses his travel certificate?2. 游客到達機場后發現行李丟失,導游員如何處理?What should the guide do when a tourist finds his luggage missing upon arrival at the airport?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 14 Tourists Missing 游客走失Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening 1. 導游就注意采取哪些措施以預防游客走失?What measures should the guide take to prevent tourists from getting lost?Readings1. 游客在游覽活動中發生走失,導游員如何處理?If a tourist is found missing during the sightseeing, what should the guide do?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 15 Illness and Care 生病與護理Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 導游員應如何給暈車游客以必要的幫助?How could the guide help a tourist who suffers from carsickness?2. 食物中毒的型特征是什么?如何預防和處理?What is typical of alimentary toxicosis? How can it be avoided and treated? Readings1. 中暑有什么典型特征?如果游客中暑如何處理?What is typical of sunstroke? How should the guide treat the tourist in case of the sunstroke? 2. 游客突發心絞痛,旁邊一位老年游客向導游表示,愿意捐出隨身攜帶的治療心絞痛的藥物,導游員該怎么辦?When a tourist suffers from an angina pectoris and an elderly tourist nearby tells the guide he has brought with him medicine to alleviate the symptoms, what should the guide do under such a circumstance?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 16 First Aid 急救Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 旅游途中游客突發重病,導游員該如何處理?If a tourist suddenly becomes seriously ill on journey, what should the tour guide do?2. 游客受傷出血,發生骨折,導游員應做哪些初步處理?What preliminary treatment can the guide provide for the wounded tourist? What should he do if the tourist has suffered a fractured limb?Readings1. 游客被蜂、蝎蜇傷后應如何處理?How should the guide treat a tourist who has been stung by a bee or a scorpion?2. 游客被毒蛇咬傷,導游員應如何搶救?How can the guide treat the tourist who has been bitten by a poisonous snake?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 17 Traffic Accidents 交通事故Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 旅游交通事故會造成什么后果?如何預防?What are the possible consequences of a traffic accident on journey? What precau-tions can be done to minimize its occurrence? 2. 發生惡性交通事故后導游員應如何處理? How should a guide handle a fatal traffic accident?Readings1. 導游率團前往某景點途中,突然得知該景點因交通事故而封閉,導游該怎么辦?On the way to a certain tourist site, the guide is informed that the site is closed due to a traffic accident. What is the guide expected to do in such a case?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 18 Breach of Security and Fire Disaster 治安事故與火災Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 什么叫旅游治安事故?如何處理?What is a breach of security during the trip? How should the guide handle the incident?2. 發生火災事故后導游員應如何率領游客逃生?In case of a fire accident, what steps should the guide take to safely evacuate the site? Readings1. 旅游途中因不可預見的原因致使旅游團隊不能繼續旅行,導游員該如何處理?What should the guide do when the travel is interrupted for unforeseen reasons?Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Simulated IntroductionUnit 19 Religion and Regulations 宗教與法規Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 如果有外國游客攻擊我國現行方針政策,誣蔑我國領導人時,導游員如何處理?If some foreign tourists speak ill of the present policies and leaders of China, what should the guide do?2. 導游發現某些游客嫖娼并走私文物,應該如何處理?When the guide finds that some of the tourists seek for prostitutes or smuggle an-tiques, what is he supposed to do?Readings1. 一位虔誠信奉天主教的游客向當地群眾散發《圣經》和其他宗教紀念品。請問:導游員是否應該出面制止?為什么?When a pious Catholic tourist hands out copies of the Bible and other religious sou-venirs to the local people, should the guide stop him from doing so? Why?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Practical Writing for TourismUnit 20 Quitting Tour and Extending Travel Time 退團與延期Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 引起游客中途退團的常見原因有哪些?如何處理?What might be some of the reasons for quitting the tour midway? How should a guide handle this?2. 外國游客因家中急事要求中途退團,有關費用怎么處理?If a foreign tourist must quit the tour midway due to an urgent business at home, what should a guide do? Readings1. 游客要求延長旅游期,導游員能否同意?What should the guide do when a tourist requests to extend his travel time? Part II Method of IntroductionPart III Tourist SitePart IV Ethnic CulturePart V Simulated IntroductionUnit 21 Complaints 投訴Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 導游人員應怎樣避免旅游投訴的發生? How can the guide avoid the complaints?2. 導游員應如何處理游客的投訴? How should the guide handle the tourist’ complaints?Readings1. 導游如何向游客道歉?How does the tour guide make an apology to the tourist?Part II Situational DialoguePart III Ethnic CulturePart IV Writing for TourismUnit 22 Sending Tourists Off 送客離站Part I ABC for Tour GuidesListening1. 在送行前,導游員應提前落實哪些事宜?What preparations should the guide make before the departure of the group?2. OK票和OPEN票有何區別?持OK票的游客如果停留超過72小時,應該辦理什么手續?What is the difference between an OK ticket and an OPEN ticket? If a tourist who has an OK ticket does not depart within 72 hours, what procedures does he need to follow?Readings1. 地陪帶團到達機場或車站的時間應該是多少?When should the local guide take the tour group to arrive at the airport or railway sta-tion for departure? 2. 客人離境后,地陪還有哪些后續工作應該處理?What should a guide do after the group has departed?Part II Farewell SpeechPart III Method of IntroductionPart IV Tourist SitePart V Simulated IntroductionPart VI Practical Writing for Tourism and TravelReference Keys 參考答案Bibliography 參考書目

英語導游實務教程(第二版) 作者簡介

