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包郵 讀寫教程-二

開本: 16開 頁數: 143
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讀寫教程-二 版權信息

讀寫教程-二 內容簡介


讀寫教程-二 目錄

unit one learing
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar articles
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit two marriage and family
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar numeral
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit three cpmputers
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar conjunctions
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit four environment
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar noun modifiers
 part ⅳ fast reading
unlt five love
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar-adverbial clause
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit six publie order
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar nonfinite clause
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit seven media
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar.concord
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit eight dreams can come true
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar direct speech and indirect speech
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit nine family education
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar emphatic structure
 part ⅳ fast reading
unit ten get energized to exercise this spring
 part ⅰ pre-reading task
 part ⅱ in-focus read and reflect
 part ⅲ grammar hyperbaton
 part ⅳ fast reading

讀寫教程-二 節選


讀寫教程-二 相關資料

插圖:When my tenth birthday was coming up, I was happy imaging what kind of presentmy father would give me. To my surprise, Father gave me a set of books, which I wasvery glad to accept. He saw what I was thinking and said kindly- "Dear, remember, booksare the most precious fortune in the world, I am sure that once you finish reading the firstbook, you will be anxious to read the second one, then the third, the forth..." Accordingto my father's words, I have to give reading a try. And things really happened as he expected. Books indeed exerted a strong influence on me. From then on, I stepped into a newand wonderful world that books spread open for me.Whether a man reads history books or mathematical books, reads them in detail or justskims them;if he cares about reading at all, he will appreciating the pleasure of books. Experience tells me that what composes the joys of reading lies in the process of finding agood book, enjoying it, and learning from it. In the first place, you will be feeling excited when you find a good book which is suitable for yourself. Reading is something of a paradox. One thinks that books are alwaysmeaningful. Yet the fact is that many of them are useless in some sense. People who aretaken up by such books might be misled and dispirited. Therefore, choosing an appropriatebook not only improves your ability to discriminate and leads you to read effectively, butalso gives you the fulfillment of knowing a good book.Secondly, reading would offer inexhaustible mental nutrition. Good books teach usand help us to do well. They are our real companions. They are both instructive and inspiring. Through reading, the beauties of nature, the miracles of art, the spectacles of architecture, and the marvels of engineering are all opened to our wonder and appreciation.Moreover, it really builds up a full comprehension of love, hatred, happiness and sorrowsin our heart.
